Landing on your feet
You watch Aidan O’Shea or Kieran Donaghy leap high in the air to catch a ball. Do you ever wonder how…
Foot on the pedal
I cycled the Portuguese Cosatal Camino in September of this year. All the preparation got me thinking of how much thought…
Walking the walk
Walking the walk Protect toes from blisters and toenails from bruises by wearing proper-fitting footwear. Make sure boots/shoes are a good…
The prolonged cold spell got me thinking about chilblains.When I was a child we all seemed to get chilblains. I’m sure…
The spring in your step
The spring in your step It is rarely somebody will come to my foot clinic and say, ‘I have an ankle…
Make it a habit
We all wonder what the New Year will bring. One thing it always brings is resolutions. So here’s a thought for…